Al Mamzar Park - return to Central Region
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Best during migration and winter;
Al Mamzar Park is one of the main migration hotspots in the Dubai area. It is under-watched, and have turned up rarities on a regular basis. It is now considered to be the best birding site in Dubai, with Safa Park reduced in size construction and the Dubai Pivot Fields gone.
October 2014 saw a new species for the Western Palearctic in the park; Large-billed Leaf Warbler, with a supporting cast of a Green Warbler and a Hume’s Leaf Warbler also present.
Directions and access:
Al Mamzar Park is located on the coastal border between the emirates of Dubai and Sharjah, and is easily reached by taxi or hire car from any point in Dubai. Taxi back from the park is also easy.
Al Mamzar Park is NOT open every day; Ladies Day every Monday and Wednesday, when males are not allowed in. Entrance fee is AED 5/- and there is only one entrance. The timings are from 08:00 - 22:00.
A small cafe is found inside near the entrance.
Since October 2010 a casual ban on photography might be in effect, so perhaps wise to put your camera gear in a backpack?
Birding strategy:
To cover the area thouroughly, plan to spend 2-4 hours or more.
Arrive slightly before 8 am when the park opens, and get in line early. A telescope is not necessary. This park gets a LOT of visitors to the beaches, so being early is essential.
Walk slowly up the eastern central edge of the park to the very tip, making sure you check all the trees along this whole stretch. Key words here is slow walking with lots of stops to scan around you with your binoculars.
Walk back towards the entrance along the western center, checking the trees you did not check on the way up.
This description will make sense as soon as you enter the park.
176 species (excluding escapes) have been recorded in the park and on the nearby scrubland as of December 2018.
Regular migrants in April & May are White-throated Robin and Semicollared Flycatcher, with Masked Shrike on migration and during winter. Socotra Cormorant sometimes seen offshore, but since Great Cormorant is present during autumn, winter and spring, care must be taken in separating the two. Thrush Nightingale, Olive-backed Pipit and Eastern Cinereous Bunting have been recorded on several occasions.
Rarities have included Asian Koel, White-throated Kingfisher, Ashy Drongo, Large-billed Leaf Warbler, Green Warbler, Icterine Warbler and Mistle Thrush.