Hi everyone
I am posting here to inform you that the recent circulation of the EBRC, mainly dealing with records submitted from Dec 2021 to May 2022 has very recently been completed. Reflecting the very good standard of submissions the result was, for the first time in quite a while, complete acceptance for all submitted records. The list of accepted records is at https://www.uaebirding.com/ebrc (scroll down) and many of these are already in the annotated checklist maintained by the hyper-efficient Tommy on behalf of the EBRC and available from https://www.uaebirding.com/bird-checklists.
Many thanks to all observers who sumbitted records and to Mark and Tommy for handling most of the underlying paperwork. A list of decisions has already been sent to the Sandgrouse team for publishing in the next Sandgrouse (https://osme.org/sandgrouse/, should be out in Aug - Sept this year). We are also, as usual, preparing a summary of recent records to go to the Around the Region section of the next Sandgrouse; thanks to Ahmed for leading that one.
One final thing - whilst we are grateful for each and every RBR submitted by the UAE birding community (and by visiting birders; one such visitor submitted 3 such records in the last batch!), we would very much like to receive records on a timely basis - ie not in the last week before circulation is due to start. Therefor, if you are lucky enough to find an RBR species, please, please, please submit the record in good time. This is easy to do - just get the downloadable form at https://www.uaebirding.com/report and send it in. Doing so will ensure that that Tommy and Mark's hair loss doesn't become any more excessive than it already is!
Thanks very much
Oscar (on behalf of all EBRC members)