Hi everyone
I am pleased to announce that the latest batch of decisions from EBRC are now online and can be found at https://www.uaebirding.com/ebrc. These will now be forwarded to Sandgrouse to be published in the next issue and have already been incorporated into the annotated checklist. Many thanks to all EBRC voting members for a quick turnaround on these and to Tommy and Mark for staying on top of all the paperwork. And, of course, particular thanks to everyone who found something rare and went to the trouble to submit it to us promptly for assessment. If you find a rarity that is on the RBR-required list, please be sure to send your record in as soon as is convenient, rather than wait to when the next circulation is looming (which will be about May or June 2023). Rarity-reporting forms can be found, as ever, at https://www.uaebirding.com/report. We look forward to receiving them (and, prior to that, all being well, seeing the birds featured in them as well!)
Good birding for 2023
Well done, Oscar, for getting this out. And to ALL of you who have contributed a Rare Bird Report. Much appreciated